The smell of freshly baked bread.  A big turkey dinner.  A bowl of mac and cheese.  

For many Canadians, picturing these foods will not only make us salivate, but think of happy memories too.  Family dinners, favourite bakeries, and carefree days of youth.

But what if you didn’t grow up with any of these foods?  

As the communities in Victoria’s long-term care homes grows more diverse, there’s a growing number of seniors who never see foods they know and love on the menu.  If you grew up with rice, noodles, or naan, sliced bread and toast just don’t strike the same chord.

That’s why Eldercare is working to create the Culturally Relevant Foods Fund.  Through this pilot project, social workers will be able to order special foods for residents of cultural or ethnic minorities living in long-term care, who don’t have the money to order in outside meals. 

In fact, we have the first order already:  an elderly Indian resident who’d love to be able to enjoy butter chicken once a month.  Thank you for making this possible!

Please note that up to 10% of restricted donations may be allocated to unrestricted funds to help with priority items and admin costs.