Fannie Hobson, née Silverman, led a life as fascinating and as ordinary as most people whose lives span more than one century. Born in Worcestershire, England in 1898, Fannie moved with her parents, her sister Jessie and her brothers Frank and Jeffrey to the United States.
Blessed with an adventurous spirit and a great sense of humour, Fannie loved to celebrate occasions with her family. She enjoyed stylish clothes and had an appropriate outfit for every one of those occasions. Her father was a Master Tailor and Fannie inherited this skill. An expert seamstress, she constructed entire suits by hand, right down to the hand-finished buttonholes.
As a young woman, Fannie was married to a dashing Central American, Carlos Téran. Photographs from the 1920s show an attractive couple, obviously in love with each other and with life. Sadly, Carlos did not have a long life and Fannie became a widow. But love often comes when it’s least expected and in her later years Fannie, hoping to retain the services of a new accountant, met Donald Hobson. The couple were soon married and in the 1960s they moved to Victoria, where Fannie’s brother Jeffrey and sister Jessie, were now living. For the rest of their lives, the three remaining Silvermans celebrated life’s triumphs and tragedies together.
In 1989, Jeffrey’s wife, Agnes, was in need of long-term care. For the next two years, Jeff was a faithful visitor to the Aberdeen Hospital, bringing flowers, fruit and laughter to his wife, her caregivers and her fellow residents. He continued to volunteer after Agnes’ death until his health forced him to slow down at the age of 98. Jeff spent his last days as a resident of the Glengarry Hospital, for once being the recipient, not the giver, of compassionate care.
The Silvermans were definitely a family who understood the challenges and rewards of growing old and of caring for those you love when they can no longer care for themselves. A good friend remembers, “They were all so kind and generous of spirit I think anyone who knew them felt their lives were enriched.” When she died, at the age of 102, Fannie left the residue of her estate to the Greater Victoria Eldercare Foundation in appreciation of the care given to long-term care residents like Agnes and Jeffrey. Her legacy will continue to bring comfort, brightness and laughter to many generations to come.
In death, as in life, Fannie Silverman Hobson has shown great style.
Did You Know? Only 57% of BC adults have a will. Of these, only 15% have identified charities as their beneficiaries.
The Greater Victoria Eldercare Foundation intends to have a life at least as long as Fannie Hobson had. We plan to be around to help not just those who are old now, but the elderly of generations to come. In a sense, we are planning for our own old age and that of our children and grandchildren. We know we can only build this legacy through the support of our community and we’re asking for your help.
After ensuring your own loved ones are taken care of, we ask that you consider including the Greater Victoria Eldercare Foundation in your long-term financial planning. There are many ways to do this ~ bequests, gifts of life insurance policies, a charitable remainder trust or a gift annuity can maximize your tax benefits and achieve personal financial goals as well as creating a lasting legacy of care. If you are willing to do this, please speak with your own trusted financial advisor or call the Foundation office for more information. Thank you for considering this request.
If you are one of the small group who has already named a charity in your will, we thank you for caring about a world that will still need help long after you have left it.