Thank you, neighbour!

Every senior deserves the chance to age with dignity. With the support of people like you, they can.  Please make your gift to support local long-term care residents in need today!


Prefer to pay by cheque?  
Make cheque payable to:
Eldercare Foundation
write “Help Glengarry residents” in the memo line, 
and send to:

Eldercare Foundation
1450 Hillside Avenue
Victoria, BC V8T 2B7. 

Thank you!


Why are some seniors at Glengarry struggling?

Glengarry is an excellent long-term care home. But every day you’ll find a senior there who is struggling…

A woman unable to afford Polident to clean her dentures…

A man unable to communicate with those around him because he can’t afford a new hearing aid battery…

A senior too embarrassed to leave their room because they have nothing more than a hospital gown to wear…

It’s enough to break your heart.

Why is this happening?

Few public long-term care residents have much in savings. By the time they arrive, most have spent years living with chronic illnesses. (These are diseases like dementia, heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.)  These illnesses come with a litany of bills. Home support. Medications. Medical equipment. Mobility aids. It’s hard for anyone’s finances to keep up.

Once at Glengarry, they receive excellent nursing, daily meals, and round-the-clock support. This helps with their illnesses, but none of it is free.

Public long-term care in BC costs 80% of a senior’s after-tax income.  With the 20% that’s leftover, they need to buy everything not covered by our healthcare system.  Clothes. Medications. Dentures. Hearing aids. Glasses. Outside health visits. Personal care items (shampoo, deodorant, razors). Wheelchairs. Entertainment. The list goes on and on.

For a growing number of seniors at Glengarry, that’s more than their pensions can afford.

Your gift can make the difference. Donations to Eldercare’s Resident-in-Need Fund will help buy vital care items for low-income seniors in long-term care.  Thank you!

Who is Eldercare Foundation?

Eldercare Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to helping seniors age with dignity.

Launched in 1982 to support care homes in Greater Victoria, today Eldercare works across Vancouver Island. Specifically, Eldercare:

  • Helps seniors age safely in place at home by funding community health programs
  • Enhances long-term care by funding equipment, therapy support, and entertainment
  • Supports research and education initiatives aimed at improving the care available to seniors

Read some examples of our recent work: News (