Monthly Donor Program
The care of elderly residents in long-term care facilities and in the community goes on 24 hours a day, every day of the year. In every one of those thousands of hours, the support of compassionate people in our community is making a difference in the care provided. We appreciate your help more than we can say.
Some of our donors have requested a Monthly Giving option and we have been happy to comply. As a member of the Eldercare Foundation’s Monthly Giving program, you can play a vital role in ensuring that we have the resources we need for all of our ongoing efforts.
How does it work?
Your donations are deducted straight from your bank account or credit card as a regular monthly debit or charge. All you need to do is choose how much you want to give, and complete the online form and we will do the rest. If you wish to donate straight from your bank account please call us at 250-370-5664 or email Your deduction can be changed or discontinued anytime.
What are the benefits?
For you, monthly giving is a simple and convenient way to spread your generosity over the entire year. It’s affordable – small monthly gifts can fit easily into your budget. It will save you time and also help us reduce our costs – which puts more of your money to work helping people in need.
There’s no more hunting for an envelope, purchasing stamps or making a trip to the mailbox. When you pledge a monthly gift, you never need to think about making another donation. It’s all done for you automatically. You can see it on each bank or credit card statement and just get one receipt at the end of the year ~ no more searching for receipts at tax time!
You can alter the amount of your gift or end this service at any time by contacting our office. We will send you one tax receipt for your total annual donations each January.
For the Foundation, regular giving will reduce our administrative costs, leaving more money to use in providing specialized equipment, innovative therapy programs and vital comforts. The Monthly Giving program also allows us to plan for growth and program development – knowing we have your ongoing support.
How to donate
If you would like to donate through the Monthly Giving Program you do so by clicking here or you can click here to see our current priorities for our monthly giving program. You can also give us a call at 250-370-5664 for more information. Thank you for exploring this option!
“Monthly Giving Is A Godsend For Me… “
writen by a Founding Member & Volunteer.
“I really enjoy giving back to the community and to the elderly residents of our care facilities at the Eldercare Foundation. But with a young family, a new house and a big mortgage, giving a big amount all at once is next to impossible.”
“I decided that my best option was to spread out payments over the course of a year and make it part of what I do every month. It’s so easy for me to give now, I don’t even notice the adjustment to my account. I’ve just built it into my overall family expense budget.”
“Giving is important to me and giving to the Eldercare Foundation is even more important. Despite the fact that I’m not a millionaire, making a charitable gift is essential to my life and monthly giving makes it possible for me to fulfill that desire.”